Thing #5- RSS Feeds

Oh my goodness!  How silly I feel now that I have been following my friend's blogs for several years now and doing so much work to do so!  This is AMAZING!!!!!!!  Why didn't anyone tell me that all I had to do was set up a reader and the news would come to me!?!?!?  I always saw that symbol but I never really knew what it was- well, I'll be- now I know!

I was a little overwhelmed by all the feeds but feel better now that I know how to make it look like I don't have to read them all!  :)  I found a feed that I am especially excited about called- Friday Five- Tools for Teachers.  This feed is from the Infinite Thinking Machine and provides 5 "tips" or tools- to add to your "toolkits" of things to use in your classroom- or for yourself.  The particular posting that I looked at introduced 2 other new-to-me tools- Google Tasks and  Sticki Notes.  What other fabulous things am I going to learn today!?!?!?


June 17, 2009 at 2:42 PM

This is one of those things where not knowing can hurt you... I keep up with your blogs through my reader - I can't imagine doing it without it.

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