Sum It UP!

I have really enjoyed this class!  I really didn't realize how much I was going to learn!  I thought that I was "in the know" about computers but after taking this class, I realize that I had so much to learn!  I am excited about sharing this new found information with my co-workers and encouraging them to take the class as well.  I have told TONS of people about the class and have highly recommended it!  
My favorites "new" activities were the Google Reader, Google Tools, Image Generator and the Social Bookmarking.  I know that I will be using these in my personal life as well as my classroom.  I am also excited about some of the videos that I found on YouTube and TeacherTube to use in my classroom.  I am also using an online game that I found on Delicious with my summer school students.  They LOVE it!  I have seen more work out of them since I started using it than I have seen out of them all summer- WONDERFUL!  
Thanks for the providing the opportunity to take this class!  It was a great experience and I would recommend the class to ANYONE.  The knowledge that I have gained through this class will definitely make a difference in the lives of my students!  THANKS!

Thing #23- Other social networks

My biggest impression from Classroom 2.0 is the overwhelming amounts of information on this site.  When I first entered the site, I was immediately overwhelmed!  Once I started, I was able to find some interesting information, discussions, and lessons.  This site provides a great tool for collaboration among teachers from all over the world.  Teachers are able to ask questions and share thoughts and ideas.  

One group that I found was Middle School Math.  This group had only 57 members and could have some better discussions, however, I see the potential of this site to be very valuable.
A Crazy Place Called Middle School is another group that I found.  This one was interesting.  There were very few posts but some were quite funny.   Teachers shared lots of ideas/stories about their classrooms.  It is nice to know that you aren't alone in the middle school endeavor!

I enjoyed looking through this site and I look forward to spending more time on this site.  I like the idea of collaboration with other teachers!  I hope to get others to join in!  

Thing #22- Myspace and Facebook

It is important for educators to know how social networking works in order to connect with our students.  Myspace and Facebook are how our kids communicate.  Social networking is also a way for you to keep in contact with others all over the world.  I enjoy using social networking to keep in contact with former classmates, new and old friends, and coworkers.  I can see where these sites would be useful in communicating with your students and parents.  

Thing #7b- Reader Feeder

I would have to say that my favorite feed thus far is Suite101: Teacher Tips and Training.  I have found tons of useful articles that deal directly with the classroom.  I like these feeds because they are practical for most grades and super easy to implement into the classroom.  I have been pretty faithful about checking my reader and I am loving it.  I love to be able to see new updates to the blogs and sites that I subscribe to.  It's great!  These are a few articles that I found useful from Suite 101.

Back to School Activity- implementing ME bags as a get to know you activity

Backward Lesson Planning- a structure for helping teachers plan with the end goal in mind 

Thing #21- Other Google..................

I reviewed several of the Google tools.  Some of them I was already familiar with but others, I was not.  I never realized how much a google had to offer!  I have a yahoo account- I want to see what kind of things it has to offer as well!  For this assignment, I checked out iGoogle  and calendar.  Both of these would be useful for personal use but I can also see how requiring students to have an iGoogle page with required items or news feeds for the students to read and discuss could start some great debates or conversation.  I have explored Google maps before- its really great!  I can see where it would be a huge asset to a History class!  I like to look at it sometimes- just for fun!  I look forward to checking some of these other tools further and applying them in my everyday life or classroom.  
Whew!  I am on informational overload at this point!  I am going to have to make a list of all the things that I have learned so that I can remember to use them- like a cheat sheet!

Thing #20- Google Docs

What a concept- its like having Microsoft Office accessible on the internet!  LOVE IT!  I like the way Google Docs is compatible to any computer that has internet and how it can be shared on the internet instead of through email.  I can see where this could be used for students and teachers to collaborate on work.  It can also be pulled up on any computer instead of saving it to a computer or zip drive.  Anyone can access the work through a google docs account.  Presentations and spreadsheets can always be used in the classroom and google docs is a great way to store the information for further use.  Students can work on the assignment at school and also access it at home to continue working on it!  YEAH!

Thing #19- VoiceThread

I liked the idea of Voicethread.  I am really going to think about how I want to implement it though.  I like how it can be a collaboration of thoughts and pictures- I am just not sure how I want to "carry it out."  I found some pretty neat math Voicethreads that I might use the ideas in my classroom.  I liked it- I just need to stretch my mind and think about how I am going to put it to use in my classroom :)

Thing #18- The TUBE

YouTube and TeacherTube- 2 ways to loose TONS of time!  I had explored YouTube before but had never been on TeacherTube before.  I had also never really looked for "school stuff" on YouTube- there is some good stuff on there!  I found lots of short clips that integrate music and math concepts which are always good.  These are great because they are not really long and are somewhat catchy- I also LOVE this Abbott and Costello- Math.  So funny!  This is how kids feel in math class- too funny!

Thing #17- Podcasting

Podcasting.............hmmm.....................I believe that podcasting has some positive aspects, however, making sure you find an interesting one- based on the delivery- could be an adventure.  Many of the podcasts that I have subscribed to are terribly boring and I found that I had difficulty paying attention.  My husband is a big NPR fan- I just don't really enjoy it= seems so boring to me!  :)  Many of the mathcasts that I found were video podcasts- probably due to that fact that math has to be viewed in order to understand.  I don't know- I am just not super crazy about these either.  They just seem so boring!  I need to spend more time searching around and see what else I can find!

I have a couple of podcast feed to my Google Reader but nothing educational.  I have a movie review feed- it's o.k.  It just gives a short review of different movies.  I also have a feed from that provides short videos on "How To" do family craft projects.  

One educational podcast that I listened to was Dan's Math Cast.  It was terribly long and difficult for me to listen to.  Dan just rambled on about different things- some math related, made some jokes and just talked-  I am not sure my students would be interested AT ALL!  Maybe I need to check out some other casts besides math.  UGH!

I found a podcast on 60 second science- I thought it was pretty neat.  This would be a great tool to use as an introduction to a lesson, to get students engaged and excited about their learning.  I can also see where these podcasts would spark some good discussions in class.  This one was pretty good-   :)

I'm not giving up- I am going to continue to search for some podcasts that I feel would be useful for  my classroom.  Hopefully I will have some success!

Thing #16- Library Thing

Alright- Library Thing- found it an interesting and pretty cool site.  Not too sure how I can tie it specifically to the classroom and teaching math besides searching and recommending the few books out there that can be tied to a 7th grade curriculum. :)  However, I do see the usefulness of the site.  I am not a super reader- although that is an area I am trying to work on- but maybe this site would help me to get recommendations and find more books of interest.  I can also see where sharing this information with students would get them interested in other books and share their favorite books with me.  Maybe a way to get to know some of my students better and form some relationships with them?  Cool site, though!  

Thing #15- Sandbox Wiki

I made my sandbox wiki- I think.....................................

I have some updating to do and some pictures to add but I have my fingers crossed that I have the bulk of what needs to be done on it. For the first time this class, I didn't really like this assignment. Not really sure why- but it was not my favorite. I had some trouble with feeling comfortable in Wikispaces. I just wasn't crazy about it. Hopefully after I mess around with it a little while, I will understand it better and feel more comfortable using it.

So here it is......DRUMROLL PLEASE!

sandbox wiki

Thing #14- Wiki What?

After reading Vicki Davis' blog, I understand the importance of Wiki Learning.  I can only imagine her feelings of excitement after hearing her students talk about what was going on in class and being excited about it.  I am not sure why, but I am not super crazy about Wikis.  I guess I just need more time to familiarize myself with them and the potential of learning that can happen on them.  I just need some time to experiment. 

I reviewed all of the wikis- but these are the ones that I chose to talk about:

Math 12v Outcomes Portfolio-  this was a really neat Wiki- tons of work to create!  I thought it was really neat how all of the learning objectives for the year were listed with specific examples of each objective.  This could be very useful for students studying for a test or when working on an assignment and have a question.  The set-up of the wiki was very neat and user friendly.  This was pretty cool.  I believe that this would be the type of wiki that I could implement in my classroom.

Primary Math-  I liked the way this site used lots of pictures.  Even though the idea was probably due to the fact that these kids were young and pictures are more useful than words, I believe that pictorial representations can be more  effective for different learners.  I really liked it.  It was simple to navigate through.  I can see lots of learning potential here as well.   I teach 7th grade so I can see where more language would need to be present but I like the simple layout and all of the pictorial representations.  Great idea!

Kindergarten Counting Book-  this page was extremely basic, but once again= I really liked the use of pictures.  I think that this site could have a little more "substance" to it- although I understand the need for less information. 

Thing #13- Social Bookmarking

I found some really great sites that I didn't even know existed while working on Delicious.  I spent quite a bit of time looking around- these are the bookmarks I came up with so far- bookmarks.  I look forward to finding other sites and bookmarking them through Delicious.  I always hate how my bookmarks get overwhelming on my computer and with Delicious- I can keep that all cleaned up!  I just can't believe how efficient I am becoming with my tech skills!  This is yet another post where I am saying- why didn't I know about this sooner????  I can see the benefits of being able to tag with special tags for more efficient searching and sharing.  One thing- I can't find my tags on the misd23things wiki page.  I tagged 2 sites but I don't see them on there.  I will keep checking but I can't figure out what I did wrong!  UGH!

UPDATE:  I checked today on the wiki page and my sites were there!  YEAH!  Just need to be more patient!  :)

Thing #7a- Checkin' My Feed..................

I am loving this reader!  I enjoy being able to go to one spot and get updated on all of my sites!  I found an article that I find interesting called 5 strategies for using Wikis in the classroom.  It even has a MATH LINK!  YEAH!  I found some really great ideas for how Wikis can be used in the classroom and reading and writing can be integrated.  Students that have access to a computer can work on the classwork outside of the classroom setting.  Filtered resources also allow for better content resources.  I believe that this is a better way to reach our students and make learning more meaningful for them- its how they learn!

Thing #12- Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

This was so much fun!  I had a blast looking through all of these sites and thinking about how I could use them in my classroom and personal life.  Some of my favorites were: a calendar that I can use for my students and parents to keep them up to date with school activities and due dates. was quite hilarious and I can see where including it in to a lesson would keep the students engaged by the mere humor.  I can also see where students would like to include blabberize in a project or presentation that they do. I would have to say that this site is probably one close to the top of any math teacher's list!  What a great way to incorporate technology into our typical polling and graphing lesson!  WOW!  The kids would LOVE THIS!!!!! This is great for personal as well as classroom.  I can see using this when the students have a multi-step project or task.  This would be a way to integrate technology into a project that may or may not require lots of computer time.  This is also a way to help students to organize their tasks in a way that they may find more engaging.

I found many more that I believe are GREAT to implement in the classroom.  These are the few that were my favorites.  I have always used the excuse that math is very difficult to implement technology in but I am now being proven wrong!  I can think of lots of ways to use this stuff in my classroom!  

Thing #11- Online Image Generators

Okay- I apologize for not doing a "math related" post but this was WAY too funny for me to not post!  My son- Jackson- was thinking that he was SPIDERMAN here- and let me tell you- he loves this trading card!  He was so amazed by it!  Too funny!  I know that I will be able to do some math "things" with this such as using it for math vocabulary and having the students create a "trading card collection" of their vocabulary cards.  Especially for those hard to learn vocabulary words!  I really like this idea!  created at: TRADING CARD MAKER

These were pretty fun to play with!  I did the Flickr Color Pickr too- I loved looking at all of the different pictures that came up in my favorite colors.  

I also did spell it with Flickr.  I had seen this before on other people's myspace pages but had never done one myself.  I just thought it was fun.  

I got a little carried away with personal playing on this "thing" but can think of TONS of ways that I can apply it to my classroom.  FUN!  
  'M' 'A' 'letter 'h34' 'I' 'KMcElman_090516_S6' 'Wood 'i' 'letter 'E'

Thing #10- Slideshow

A slideshow is actually something that I had done before. Having a myspace and a facebook account, I have posted slideshows to share photos of my kids. I made a slideshow showing some pictures of proportionality in everyday life. I am sure that I could have found some other pictures to add to the slideshow but I was spending way too much time looking for the "right" photos. I had fun making my slideshow and customizing it! I know that the daisies really don't have anything to do with my slide, but they sure are cute! :) I never really thought about creating a slideshow with the pictures that I use to help connect my lessons to student life. In math, students always ask, "when am I going to use this?" I like to have pictures of how math is in everyday life or how it will be used in the future- this is just another way I could do it!

Thing #9-Proportions- Flickr Style

287/365 -" There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." Sir Francis Bacon by Geekygirly

The topic I chose for this "thing" was proportions.  It was interesting to see the pictures that were tagged as "proportions".    Many times, proportionality is difficult for students to "see".  I typically use pictures from the textbook, or online to help link the lesson with pictures.  Through Flickr and photosharing, I am provided another source for being able to go and find real world examples of proportionality that students can visually "tie" to the lesson.  Great!  

Thing #8- Creative Commons

I had never really noticed the creative commons logo before on any websites- but I guess I never really knew to pay attention to it.  I know that I will look for it now!  This is a great way for ideas to be shared and built upon.  I believe that creative commons has the potential to have a huge impact on education and the way students learn and create.  Students are able to create, post and see what collaboration on the topic can come about!  What a concept.  

I was a little overwhelmed in searching through the site.  Hmmmmm............overwhelmed seems to be a common thread here :)  I think that there is LOTS to see on this site and I found myself looking a little too hard- I need time to sort through the good and the bad- in my mind:)  but I believe that this site will have an impact on my teaching as a whole.  Great find!

Thing #7- Outta My Comfort Zone

As with most other people's blogs I have read, commenting is not my favorite thing to do so far.  Depending on the type of blog, commenting is not always easy to do.  I understand the importance of commenting and like to read the comments posted on my blog.  I am just not always sure what to say or even how to say it.  I don't mind leaving comments when my friends leave posts about their personal lives but I have a hard time leaving comments on blogs of people that I don't really know for fear that I might sound silly or be completely misunderstood.  

So...................I have set myself a new personal goal for my "Learning Contract" stating that I would study up on ways to become a better commenter.  I am reading through the links that have been posted and doing a little research on my own.  I also plan to force myself to make comments on blogs on a regular basis.  So I apologize ahead of time if I get on anyone's nerves with my commenting.  I am just trying to better myself!  :)  After all, how can I expect to get comments on my blog- because I love to get them, if I am not doing it too?  Something to think about...............................................................

Thing #6- Google Reader Feed

I am loving this!!!!!!!!!!  I have actually shared it with almost everyone that I have come in contact with!  I know how much time my friends and family spend surfing the net from one website to another.  This is such a handy way to have all of your sites come to you!  I have been able to learn how to use the Google Reader pretty quickly but I am sure that I will stumble across new things as I go.

I found an article called Teachers Without Borders Off To Africa.  This article discusses how an organization of teachers are going into underprivileged areas of the world to provide teacher training.  Together, these teachers are sharing resources, methodologies and practices to benefit themselves as well as their students in the classroom.  These teachers are bringing the use of technology to educators that have never touched computers before and sharing these resources and approaches needed to facilitate learning.

I am sure that I have more interesting articles in my reader and look forward to searching through them.  I am a little overwhelmed by all of the feeds but I am confident that this will get better over time.  Reading is not one of my favorite things to do but have found that I am really enjoying this!  I can see where this would be a good way to get students that don't necessarily enjoy reading books to atleast do some sort of reading.   

Thing #5- RSS Feeds

Oh my goodness!  How silly I feel now that I have been following my friend's blogs for several years now and doing so much work to do so!  This is AMAZING!!!!!!!  Why didn't anyone tell me that all I had to do was set up a reader and the news would come to me!?!?!?  I always saw that symbol but I never really knew what it was- well, I'll be- now I know!

I was a little overwhelmed by all the feeds but feel better now that I know how to make it look like I don't have to read them all!  :)  I found a feed that I am especially excited about called- Friday Five- Tools for Teachers.  This feed is from the Infinite Thinking Machine and provides 5 "tips" or tools- to add to your "toolkits" of things to use in your classroom- or for yourself.  The particular posting that I looked at introduced 2 other new-to-me tools- Google Tasks and  Sticki Notes.  What other fabulous things am I going to learn today!?!?!?

Thing #4- Exploring Blogs

I have found in reviewing different blogs that they are written in a variety of ways.  Some are written asking questions and wanting responses while others are written as just thoughts.  As far as the reading and writing is concerned, they are similar to what we already know, reading is reading and writing is writing.  On the other hand, they seem a little more casual in the reading and writing than what we are typically used to- like textbook reading and writing.  Blogs are written more like the way we speak and think.  Less casual- per say?  

I like the way ideas and thoughts are shared through comments made.  I found this particularly interesting in PATRICK'S UPDATE.  It was touching to see the motivational comments made by Patrick's readers.  I am sure that these encouraging words were invaluable to Patrick's success in passing the 5th grade!
blog particularly interesting.  This has always been an area I struggle with in my teaching and it is interesting to see others' takes on the "hot topic!"
Because I am a math teacher, I had to check out the math blog SP-817 Math Blog.  I was a little disappointed in what I saw, however I am sure that it makes sense to the followers of this blog, it was a little confusing to me.  I can see where this type of blog would be beneficial for students.  

In a nutshell, I think that blogging is a neat way to share ideas and communicate with others. I have several friends that have blogs and I love to read them and just catch up on what is going on in their lives.  I have often thought that I needed to start one but was unsure about how to do it or if I would have the time to keep up with it.  I think now- I might have to start!  :)

Thing #2- Thoughts on Web 2.0

a day in the life

-through the vast use of computers since I began teaching
-how technology savvy our students are vs. just a few years ago
-the need to incorporate more technology in the classroom in order to keep up with the needs of the students
-the need to update our computer systems to stay up with learning 2.0

Teaching math seems to be a bit more complicated in making the learning 2.0 switch but I can see the benefits. Learning 2.0 has the ability to link all learners in the community to the common goal. At some point the switch will need to be made or everyone will be left behind. Technology as we knew it, is no longer. I am amazed at the changes in technology just in the past 5 years. I can only imagine what changes that are yet to come.

We are already having difficulties in education keeping learners engaged. This will not get any better without incorporating technology into the classroom. Technology is what these students are interested in- its what they live and breathe. We have to find ways to relate to them and stay up with these changes as well.

Thing #1- Reflection on Lifelong Learning

As a teacher, most of these habits seem like natural habits.  These are habits that we encourage in our classrooms daily.  I am excited about learning how to use these new ideas in learning but am a little worried about how to incorporate them into my classroom.  I am sure that I will figure out something!  After all, I need to have some confidence in myself in my learning, right?!?!?!  I believe that this will be my most difficult habit.  I am always thinking way too concrete when it comes to math and need to work on my confidence in thinking "outside the box."  The easiest, by far, is setting a goal and viewing problems as challenges.   Being a math person, we always run into challenges, especially with challenging others.  :)  The most important to the course would have to be using technology to my advantage.  Just like learning about the writeboard- who would have thought!?!?!?  I didn't even know that was available and is such an easy way to create and compose!  Genius!

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